  • 皇龙牌 补腰精

皇龙牌 补腰精 Waist Tonic 750ml

RM 89.90
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简介: 虫草杜仲补腰精主要是采用了杜仲,冬虫夏草等名贵药材炼制而成,其药性温和,不含糖分及酒精,对于腰膝 酸痛,气短及畏寒肢冷,皆有一定的调养功效。

功效: 传统上适用于腰膝酸痛、肢体酸软,养神补气、强身壮腰。

成分: 冬虫夏草, 制何首乌, 杜仲, 当归, 人参, 大枣等多种药材提炼而成。


服法: 成人每次一杯,一到两次,服用前请摇均 (备有量杯)。请存放于阴凉处。

Traditionally used for relieving backache and improve blood circulation. Suitable for the elderly , working adults and women after childbirth.

Adult : the recommended dosage is 30ml to be taken two times a day, before or after meals, preferably at breakfast. * Measuring cap is provided.

简介: 虫草杜仲补腰精主要是采用了杜仲,冬虫夏草等名贵药材炼制而成,其药性温和,不含糖分及酒精,对于腰膝 酸痛,气短及畏寒肢冷,皆有一定的调养功效。

功效: 传统上适用于腰膝酸痛、肢体酸软,养神补气、强身壮腰。

成分: 冬虫夏草, 制何首乌, 杜仲, 当归, 人参, 大枣等多种药材提炼而成。


服法: 成人每次一杯,一到两次,服用前请摇均 (备有量杯)。请存放于阴凉处。

Traditionally used for relieving backache and improve blood circulation. Suitable for the elderly , working adults and women after childbirth.

Adult : the recommended dosage is 30ml to be taken two times a day, before or after meals, preferably at breakfast. * Measuring cap is provided.
