  • Beeboy 蜂胶 1
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BEEBOY Brazilian Green Propolis 巴西绿蜂胶 10ml

RM 99.00
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Our green propolis comes from the Brazilian rain forest, and the flavonoids are as high as 15%, so it will be warm when dripping on the throat (most propolis flavonoids on the market are only 4-6%). Green propolis is rich in flavonoids, rue Gan, phytoncine and various organic acids. Natural ingredients, multiple functions

-能有效抵抗covid-19病毒 Effective against covid-19 virus 
-治疗Covid-19后遗症 Treating Covid-19 Sequelae 
-提升免疫力 Boost the immune system 
-预防癌症 Prevent cancer 
-降低三高问题 Reduce hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia 
-预防心血管阻塞 Prevent cardiovascular blockage 
-治疗哮喘 Treat asthma 
-快速修复伤口 Repair wounds quickly

📌一瓶10ml,200-250滴左右 A bottle of 10ml, about 200-250 drops 📌每1ml含有1ml的蜂胶 (非常精纯) Each 1ml contains 1ml of propolis (very pure) 📌不适合人群:2岁以下的小孩,孕妇 Not suitable for the crowd: children under 2 years old, pregnant women 📌保存方法:放在阴凉处即可 Storage method: keep it in a cool place 📌食用方法 How to eat: 绿蜂胶平时一天5滴,如果生病的话一天两次,一次10滴 Green propolis usually 5 drops a day, if sick, twice a day, 10 drops each time

⚠ 直接滴在喉咙是最好的 因为可以达到杀菌的功效,但是如果不能接受太苦的话 也可以加在蜂蜜一起喝哦
It is best to drop directly on the throat because it can achieve the effect of sterilization, but if it is too bitter, you can also drink it with honey
